Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Like a Worn John Watson


Sometimes its like being adrift in a great body of water.  My family is the wind.  My friends the jetty bracing me against the tide. Sometimes striking me, hurting me, but often times creating eddies for me to rest in; little pools of thought where I can stir up the sand without reprimand.  Events are the shores, and every now and again there is something that creates a pause in my life, an embankment that I must crest to continue.

But sometimes, like now, its a never ending stream of days at sea.  One after the other after the other after the other, where I feel there is no change and there is no growth.  And all I am aware of is the passing of time.

Every second that goes by haunts me like a physical specter and I am unable to enjoy my time in life's calm.

(Wishing for and dreading the waterfall all the same.)

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