Wednesday, March 19, 2008


i have yet to realize the true enormity
of that which i have become conscious:

That one, ultimately, stands in the way of them self,

them and those both dependant; independent and of procurement in the future

[mirror Image of the traveler = those they depend on/those they don't/those who have procured them in their past share the same stumbling block]

the logistics are as cautiously approached as string theory [yet enclosed albeit as chaotically as m-theory]

those that know innately are spared the trial by error, abscond from the scars of journeying;

The lessons that guardians leave out,

the world teaches ungrudgingly,

and God chalks up to the expense of free will

in the end it is you, battle scarred and willfully consummate, yet circumscribed to the effect that you have not truly learned, you, and I that am removed, argumentum a fortiori, from the true, suant, meaning of self.

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